The decision to exploit the fast-drying times and flexibility of acrylics is under revision. The vast majority of the artist's informing my practice paint exclusively in oils, a switch I've been considering for some time. Painters, it's been said, can be roughly subdivided in two categories: palette mixers and surface mixers. Whilst aspects of each mixing method will inevitably be in evidence, most painters favour frequent implementation of one over the other.
As a surface mixer, acrylics severely lack the desired open-time despite the addition of a retarding medium, and a stay-wet palette. Oils, of course, present their own challenges: adherence to the the basic rules of slow-drying over fast-drying, thick over thin, and fat over lean. However, any convenience acrylic paints offer is matched by their insufficiency in pursuit of my desired aesthetic. Sure, a good craftsperson never blames their tools, but identifying the right tools for the job is step one. Sadly, I've grown weary of sawing through solid oak with plastic cutlery. It's time for a change.
I look forward to the creative potential of such a versatile medium, and believe it may provide just the kickstart this project desperately requires.